Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hays Code

I think that Angels with Dirty Faces does break some of  the rules of the Hays code. I feel bad for all the directors that had there creativity stifled by such rigid rules. Hays code limited what directors could do at the time. I'm pretty sure there were movies that could've been made if there hadn't been a code. Nowadays I think it's easier to make a raunchy film.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Gangster Films

I haven't watched many gangster films so I'll just try to remember as many as I can

The Departed. It's a gangster movie right?


And that's about it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Genre Podcast


Japanese anime gives an interesting look into japanese culture. Japan, being on the other side of the world, has developed separately from the rest of the world. Much of it looks weird to a western audience, but that's just how things are over there. Anime is by no means a clear window into their society. Like any cartoon, anime is often a distortion of real life. As western cartoons like disney draw from fairytales, anime draws from japanese stories with archetypal characters. Archetypal characters, I think, are a mainstay of anime. To a western audience, this may seem derived and unoriginal. But that's a japanese thing that can not be explained through western logic.

Sci fi
Star wars is a highly debated movie. Some say that Star Wars is not even a sci fi. It's true that the movie has more in common with fantasy. In Star Wars, you have a kind of magic, the force, a wizard, kenobi, the hero's journey, and a lot of other elements. Also, much of the technology the people deploy in the movie go unexplained, which is uncommon in other sci fi movies.

Yeah, Disney.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I've never really watched or payed much attention to musicals. I feel like a lot of musicals would work better as broadway productions and not be translated on to the screen. I feel many musicals lack the subtlety of other genres.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Women in Hawk's movies

The women in his movies tend to play hard to get and usually act aloof. They're also suspicious of the other women in the main mens' lives. They're also sort of crazy. in Rio Brazo, Feathers test John Wayne's character love for her. I suspect that this is something common in Hawk's films. The women also tend to talk a lot.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I Thought this was a pretty good movie. Storywise I think it's well developed. The characters are based off historical figures, but ford doesn't rely on this fact to make his characters interesting. Each character must deal with his or her own problem and ultimately overcome them. All of them overcome their problems eventually, since the heroes usually do, but it's somewhat hard to foresee this because so many sacrifices were made by the time of the end of the movie.

I also thought the use of the door shots were interesting. I remember seeing something similar in the samurai film Good Samaritan: Zatiochi.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Western I've Seen

Westerns are considered a dying genre, but some have been made in recent years. I have not seen many westerns. I don't know why. The only recent western I've seen was True Grit. I'm still kicking myself since I've never seen There Will Be Blood. I'll get around to seeing more eventually.